Friday, September 30, 2011

Recent FotoFriday meetup at Bryce Boyer's studio. The model didn't make it so our intern Jerad Fitch posed for the group. Here's two of my favs from the impromptu session. And yes, he can play. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Montessori Children's House of Denver

My Advertising/PR firm Philosophy Communication recently was assigned to shoot new photographs of actual students of Montessori Children's House of Denver  for their 2011/2012 print campaign. Here are three of my favorite shots from the shoot to be used in newspaper and magazine ads. 

Patrick Nagel Study

A few photos from recent shoot with Tera. She posed for a dozen shots to recreate famous Patrick Nagel paintings for Playboy magazine. I'm working on final editing of the shots/poses. Will post the complete series once completed. 

R2 Interior Design

Philosophy Communication was hired to design and shoot R2's website. Here are a few of the photos we captured for the project.

Danielle and Ramsey Wedding

I attended my brother-in-law's wedding this month in Middletown, CT. Having camera in hand, I shot a few photos of the ceremony. This is my first wedding shoot. Used Nikon 28-70mm for all the shots.